The Importance of Meta Descriptions for SEO


Getting clicks is extremely important for SEO. This click magic is done with the meta description tag that encapsulates the content of a particular page. More often than not, people are more attracted to the sneak peek, luring them into the page. Through this compelling description, viewership is gained. 

Meta descriptions play a significant role when it comes to on-page SEO.

And in this article, you’ll learn more about:

  • Meta descriptions: What it means and why it is important for you and your SEO rankings.
  • How to make meta descriptions and how to add them to your pages.
  • How modern search engines use meta descriptions to determine page rankings, and;
  • The most common issues with meta descriptions and what SEO experts say about them.

What is a Meta Description?

The meta description tag (also known as the meta description attribute) is a 160 character long preview in HTML of a page’s content. These allow users to gain background information about what they will see on a particular web page before deciding to click and visit it. 

Since it provides the summary needed to pique a person’s interest in viewing your page, it is considered valuable in SEO even if the meta description has no specific bearing on rankings. The value lies in the gained organic click-through, which helps with page rankings. 

For an extended period, the ideal length for a meta description was only around 150-170 characters. In the last quarter of 2017, Google decided to change and accept 160 to 300 character meta descriptions. This led to a rise in longer meta descriptions, which Google advised against. Thus, in May 2018, Google reverted to the old length of 160 characters. 

This right here shows how vital a compelling meta description is. Writing a short but sweet description has the potential to catch organic traction that immediately tells the users whether they should visit your page or not. Words are power. And since you only have a few, you should make sure that you’re doing it right or else you’ll get cut off at the wrong time. 

Meta Description Example

Alien Spotted in Texas! 

Meta description: All you need to know about the alien spotted in Texas, info, pictures, witnesses, and more. 

Its code sample looks something like this: 

<head> <meta name=“description”content=“This is what a meta description looks like. It pops up when you search for stuff.” ></head>

Meta Description Format 

Usually, meta descriptions can reach up to any length, but Google commonly cuts it off at 155-160 characters. Although the goal you should keep in mind is that your meta description should be concise, so utilize 50-160 characters. It still depends on you and what your goal is. Just remember to keep those clicks coming! 

How Do I Make a Meta description? 

There’s no exact formula for making a meta description tag. All you need to know is that you gain user click-throughs from search engine rankings. This is why you should keep your content relevant to your audience. It should be able to pique their interest.

Another thing that could help you when creating a meta description is that it should be natural, friendly, and active. It should be something you’d click without thinking twice about it. Beyond this, it should also be unique from its competitors. 

Just make sure you set the first impression right as you would on a first date with someone. Remember, getting more clicks is always the goal. Moreover, Google also highlights words from your search that correspond to your meta description, heightening your visibility. 

Take Note: Be inviting! Have a call to action. 

How Do Modern Search Engines Use Meta Descriptions?

Before, search engines made use of meta descriptions to determine page rankings for search queries. Currently, the Chinese search engine Baidu still abides by that. However, this is not what’s in for most. 

Just like how honey lure flies in, modern search engines use your meta description tags to entice people to visit your web page. If your page has more click-throughs, search engines are able to base your page ranking on this. 

Listed below are some of the modern search engines and how they use meta descriptions today:


Even Google has its own meta description, measuring precisely 159 characters! Check it out: 

  • <meta name=” description” content=” Search the world’s information, including web pages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you’re looking for. “>

Apart from the common usage of a meta description, there is a possibility that Google may overrule it. If it feels as if you haven’t provided a satisfying answer to a user’s query, they offer a different preview from your page. 


On the other hand, Google’s competitor, Bing, recommends a maximum meta description length of 160 characters as those that exceed are cut off. Better if you can curb it at 155 characters. Their minimum for meta description tags is 70 characters. 


While Yahoo does not explicitly reveal their minimum or maximum meta description length, it has been shown that they usually cut off beyond 150 characters. Just like Bing, Yahoo’s minimum is 70 characters, which is based on users’ usage.

Social networking sites

Social networking sites, such as Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn, also make use of meta description tags. While having no specifics, they usually present the first two lines of your page’s content or the necessary details to note, such as name, contact number, and the like. 

What SEO Experts Say About Meta Descriptions

Despite their lack of influence on page rankings, SEO experts still utilize meta description tags. They firmly believe that meta descriptions are vital to enhancing user click-through from search engine result pages. These summaries are chances to advertise content to users without the hassle of paying for it. 

Here are some of the other reasons why you should use meta descriptions: 

  • Your page’s attention becomes more manageable, and you have better odds of standing out as modern search engines highlight or bold your meta description text keywords.
  • Social networks mentioned earlier in the article have also begun to utilize meta description tags. A strong meta description has encouraged a larger amount of clicks and shares. 
  • Generating your own meta description is better than auto-generated ones, which are not always tailor-fit to your site.  
  • With the correct optimization, you can rank better on the search results pages, especially if user behavior on your page has been plentiful. 
  • It shows how relevant your page is, as users would be the judges of this. It may continue to improve your website performance as time passes, increasing the odds for your web page’s success as you gain user traffic. 

Trust the process. Always remember, success starts with the basics, and maximizing the usage of your essential tools is the best practice for SEO optimization, as claimed by the SEO professionals who have banked on meta description tags for their company and clients’ success. 

How to Add Meta Descriptions to Your Pages

When browsing through search results on Google, Yahoo, or other search engines, users are more attracted to click on your page if they already have an idea of your content. Adding concise but captivating meta descriptions are essential to capture your audience right from the start. 

That is why missing meta description tags in your pages is a barrier to effective engagement. It is considered missing when your webpage does not have a meta description embedded in the HTML. What are the implications of this?

Suppose your meta descriptions are inconsistent — or worse, missing, your chances of achieving a high click-through rate will decrease. Moreover, you would not be able to optimize your webpage because search engines will create a generic and often dull meta description on your behalf.

Hence, the first step in adding meta descriptions is first to identify which pages have missing ones. This way, you will know which components are affecting your site’s performance and SEO. You will be able to optimize and create better meta descriptions based on these inconsistencies as well. 

Using MetaCheck to Run a Meta Information Audit

(Filip will write about this)

View Page Source 

Another way to detect missing meta descriptions is through View Page Source. It is a manual technique that inspects the HTML code of your site so you can find any missing components. 

To inspect the elements of your webpage, press Ctrl + Shift +C. Search for your meta description using the Find function or Ctrl + F and type meta description in the search bar. It should be highlighted and displayed in your code as <meta name=” description.” If the meta description is empty, that means you need to put a value for it. Type in your meta description in the same field to solve this issue. 

Aside from the meta description tag, you can also locate the title and header of your pages. However, using View Page Source can be quite tedious, and one misplaced letter or word can destroy your code. It is essential to be careful as you inspect the elements.

Take Advantage of Plugins

Plugins are great tools for adding a meta description tag to your site. You can customize each meta description across all of your pages and avoid any duplicates. Regardless of your Content Management System, using plugins is vital as it prevents you from being flagged in the search results. 

If you are a WordPress user, then keep in mind that meta tags are not automatically added to your site. You can either modify your header.php inside your theme’s template file, or you can simply use a plugin. The latter is a better option because it guarantees that each meta description is unique. You can take advantage of a lot of plugins, such as Yoast, WPForms, Beaver Builder, and many more. 

To add meta descriptions on WordPress through a plugin, the first step is to install your chosen plugin from a trusted source. Then, proceed with writing your post. Before you publish it, locate your SEO plugin and edit your snippet. In some plugins, this action can be found under your page’s preview. Add your meta description tag in the field. Make sure to follow proper SEO guidelines. The plugin will be able to detect if the length of the meta description is enough or if it needs to be improved. 

By using plugins, you can optimize meta descriptions for every post or page. It is the most efficient and convenient way of adding meta description tags to your site. 

Optimize Your Meta Descriptions

In adding meta descriptions, always remember that your goal is to achieve a high rank in the search results. It is the first point of interaction between your webpage and the user, so you should really make the most out of it. 

Some critical factors in adding meta descriptions are length, keywords, tone, and content. Do not exceed 300 characters, and make sure to use keywords that are relevant to your what your site is about. The style of the meta description tag should also match your page. It should be able to communicate the value and give the readers a taste of the content to be enticed to click on your website. 

Meta descriptions play a critical role in improving your click-through rate (CTR) and audience retention. If you add clear and effective descriptions, then you will be able to optimize your site’s capability to the fullest. 

Most Common Issues with Meta Descriptions

Now that you’ve learned a lot about meta descriptions and its importance to SEO, let us go through the most common issues with meta descriptions and how to avoid them:

Duplicate Meta Descriptions

This often happens as meta descriptions are usually only 90 characters or less. It is understandable if some may sound similar to another. A meta description tag is considered a duplicate when it is copied word for word or strangely identical. Multiple problems can arise from duplicate meta descriptions, such as a chance of being reported for brevity and a non-descriptive site.

Another thing to note is the problem of ranking. Duplicate meta description tags reduce your website’s visibility since those with similar meta descriptions will show up in the search bar as well. It is very important to make your meta descriptions unique, but at the same time, descriptive. This will only do good for your website or blog.

Not Including Keywords

This is a crucial mistake as meta keywords or meta tags appear in the HTML code of a web page. This means it will help search engines tell what the topic is all about, which is significant for your site’s traffic. Your meta tags can help make or break how many people will go over your website, which will impact your engagement and ranking. 

Another thing to take note of is to use the right meta tags that correlate with your site. You don’t want to be promoting something related but is not your specialty. This will only confuse the readers. Make sure to use the right meta keywords, as this is a valuable strategy for success. 

Too Long or Too Short

This can be tricky as a meta description that is too long can sound too wordy, which may turn off the readers. However, a meta description that is too short may not give too much about your site. Hence it might end up confusing your audience. There are some steps you can do to make the perfect meta description, which will genuinely help with your traffic and engagement.

There’s no particular rule about how many words are required for a meta description, but they say 50-160 characters is the right amount. Ensure the meta description tags match your site’s contents, use the right keywords, and go straight to the point. Most importantly, make it unique and plagiarism-free: the reader would be less interested if they read a meta description that sounds the same as many other ones they’ve already read. 

The importance of meta descriptions is that it serves as a marketing tool for your site. Creating a genuinely compelling meta description tag with the tips mentioned above will increase your click rates and boost your recognized chances. This has been proven with the top websites such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing gaining success due to their meta descriptions. 

The meta description can show bolded keywords in their search results, highlighting the first thing you want your reader to see. It is also still used by the top social networks and social bookmarking networks, so its importance speaks for itself.